Nutritional Therapists of Ireland 2017 Seminar

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Seminar Flyer


I was very pleased to give a seminar on 30 September 2017 at The Green Isle Hotel in Dublin entitled "Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Myalgic Encephalitis - it's mitochondria, not hypochondria!".

The seminar was sponsored by Biocare UK and arranged by The Nutritional Therapists of Ireland (NTOI). I am grateful to both of these wonderful organisations for giving me this opportunity to speak with some very knowledgeable nutritionists!

My seminar

I am delighted to upload a pdf copy of all my slides below. There are 194 pages here - I have had to reduce the size of this file a little and so some of the pictures have lost resolution.

I do hope that you find this pdf file useful - it gives a good outline of my diagnosis and treatment approach for CFS/ME, as detailed in more depth in my BMA Book Award winning book "Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Myalgic Encephalitis - it's mitochondria, not hypochondria!"

Pictures of the day

Here are some pictures that capture the enthusiasm and goodwill I encountered in Dublin! My books sold like hotcakes! My publisher, Georgina Bentliff of Hammersmith Publishers and I had taken along copies of all 4 of my books and all sold well:


Ntoi3.jpg Ntoi1.png Ntoi2.png

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Sarah Myhill Limited  :: Registered in England and Wales  :: Registration No. 4545198
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